Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Shirl, Rain, The Beatles & How I Didn’t Get Arrested

OK, I admit it. This is really not a blog about Facebook, rather it’s a venting session for me.  Since Shirl was there we’ll stretch the Facebook theme and make it work. 

Let’s go back in time to Shirl’s  B-Day in March.  We really don’t do the gift giving thing any more.  I was surfing the web and decided to buy her tickets to see Rain at the Palace Theater in Albany.  Rain is one of those Beatles cover bands.  OK, stop laughing.  I know. I know.  We live in Albany and finding things to do can be a bit challenging.  We both grew up listening to The Beatles, so it was a night out. 

So, tonight I put on my Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band shirt and headed to The Palace with Shirl.  It’s been a stressful week, so I was planning on a Select 55 (I’m watching my weight), sitting back without my glasses (that way I wouldn’t really know it wasn’t The Beatles) and taking a trip back in time.  It was just what the Dr. ordered.  Ah, Select 55, tickets and our seats everything was falling into place.  There are those people.  You know them.  The ones you can tell are just going to be a pain in the ass.  Well, they were next to me with their very cute 4-year-old son.  I get it.  The older parents want their kid to experience and appreciate what was important to them.  Shirl and I love kids, we have three of them.  Let’s see……. school night.  Maria was home studying for regents’ exams and finals and Erika was home because she has school tomorrow.  Ryan as you know is all grown up and who knows what he was doing.  It’s called structure and judgment.  We all have different definitions of structure and we don’t all use the same judgment.  

This wonderful family started with the musical chairs. Dad switches with mom, mom switches with the cute little boy, and this continues for a few minutes.  When the music stops, the cute little boy was next to me.  All cool.  All cool until he starts using his chair as a teeter totter.  I was OK.  I thought, he’ll settle down.  No big deal.  If need be, I’ll just get another Select 55.  It’s only 55 calories.  I leaned toward Shirl and mentioned that I hope he settles down soon.  About 5 minutes later, a face suddenly appears one inch from my face yelling at me.  WOW! SHOCKING!  Mother, I’ve had kids way too late in life and can’t deal, is screaming at me.  Something to do with her cute little boy and how he paid for a seat too.  She was so close I’m surprised I didn’t get any spit from her mouth on my face.  It seemed like I had a million thoughts in such a short moment.  First instinct was to haul off and punch the beeatch in her face and send her a few rows closer to the stage.  Sharon from the past.  I’m so glad I’m older now.  Ah, I mean more mature.  My thoughts…. If I hit her I’ll get arrested and I need my job.  The cost of the attorney could be a trip back to Vegas.  Headlines in the Albany newspaper, “Lesbians attack mother and child at Beatles cover band show.”   I mean I once got caught in the middle of a fight at a Patti Smith concert, but that's Patti Smith and well not so shocking.  Sharon, I'm just too old for this shit, who now runs to get rid of stress prevailed.  I was Zen.  It was obvious this kid had a parent with major anger issues.  I needed to set a good example and not engage at all.  I just looked at her and said, “I believe in Karma.”  I realize what happened.  This beeatch realized she made a mistake taking her kid to the show and was so frustrated that he was ruining her experience; she took it out on me.  No problem nasty woman.  I went to Mr. Volunteer Usher Man and had our seats moved to what turned out to be a better location.  Whew.  All in time to settle back in and enjoy the show. 

Some people just don’t get the point of the music.  We just came back from seeing The Beatles' "Love" in Vegas.  

Isn’t that what this is all about any way?

Thanks for letting me vent. 

Give Peace A Chance,
